Shareware Grab Bag
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| PC-DeskMates(TM) |
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| User's Guide |
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| Version - 1.01 |
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| September 3, 1985 |
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| (C) Copyright 1985 - All Rights Reserved |
| |
| Shareware |
| |
| We encourage you to freely copy and share unmodified |
| copies of this program with other people. If you |
| decide to use the program, support the Shareware |
| marketing concept by becoming a registered user. |
| Read the appendix for further details. |
Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Lancaster, NY 14086
(716) 684-2423
- PC-DeskMates is a trademark of Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
- Alternative Decision Software, Inc. reserves the right to make
improvements in the product described in this manual at any time
and without notice.
- The software described herein is a copyrighted LICENSE PROGRAM and
the property of Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
- The program is distributed as a Shareware product. You may freely
copy and share the product with your friends and associates. If
you decide to use the product, we ask you to become a registered
- Under no circumstances may this product be sold or distributed
with another product without the express written permission of
Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
- Please read the Terms and Conditions contained in the Appendix for
further details.
- Use of this product indicates your acceptance of these Terms and
- 1 -
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Shareware Software 5
1.1.1 Registration Number 6
1.1.2 Registration Form 7
1.2 Description and Capabilities 8
1.3 Requirements 9
1.4 Conventions 10
Chapter 2 Using PC-DeskMates 11
2.1 Installation 11
2.1.1 Diskette Systems 11
2.1.2 Hard Disk Systems 12
2.1.3 Loading From A Subdirectory 12
2.1.4 MS-DOS Systems 12
2.1.5 Monochrome with Graphics Cards 13
2.1.6 Installation Utility 13
2.2 How To Get Started 14
2.2.1 Memory Resident Version 14
2.2.2 Stand Alone Version 14
2.2.3 Start Key 15
2.2.4 Main Menu 15
2.2.5 Line Editing Functions 16
Chapter 3 Alarm Clock 17
3.1 Setting The Date 17
3.2 Setting The Time 18
3.3 Clock Display 18
3.4 Hourly Chime 18
3.5 Setting The Alarm 18
3.6 Program Starting 19
Chapter 4 Calculator 20
4.1 Entering Numbers 21
4.2 Arithmetic Operations 21
4.3 Percentages 22
4.4 Clear Key 23
4.5 Sign Key 23
4.6 Printing 23
4.7 Format 24
4.8 Reading Screen Numbers 24
4.9 Returning Results 24
4.10 Memory Functions 25
- 2 -
Chapter 5 Calendar 26
5.1 Calendar Window 26
5.2 Calendar Notepad 27
Chapter 6 DOS Commands 30
6.1 Chkdsk 31
6.2 Chdir 31
6.3 Copy 33
6.4 Directory 33
6.5 Erase 33
6.6 Print 33
6.7 Rename 33
6.8 Type 34
Chapter 7 Notepad 35
7.1 Entering Information 35
7.2 Print 36
7.3 Recall & Save 37
7.4 Align 37
7.4.1 Special Notepad Files 37
Chapter 8 Phone Dialer 39
8.1 Phone Dialer Window 39
8.1.1 Dialing Telephone Numbers 41
8.1.2 Telephone Prefixes 41
8.1.3 Phone Dialer Information 42
8.1.4 Long Distance Services 42
8.2 Phone Dialer Notepad 43
Chapter 9 Printer Control 45
9.1 Test Pattern 46
9.2 Recall Configuration 46
9.3 PrtScr Control 46
9.4 Printer Device 46
9.5 Double Width 46
9.6 Compressed Print 47
9.7 Emphasized Print 47
9.8 Enhanced Print 47
Chapter 10 Typewriter 48
10.1 Typing Modes 49
10.2 Margins 49
10.3 Tabs 50
10.4 Printer Type 50
10.5 Printer Device 50
10.6 Page Feed 50
Chapter 11 Setup 51
- 3 -
11.1 Setting Monitor Colors 51
11.2 Save & Recall Configurations 52
Chapter 12 Appendix 53
12.1 Special Considerations 53
12.2 Messages and Explanations 54
12.3 Installation Utility 55
12.3.1 Inserting Your Registration No. 56
12.3.2 Setting Start Key 56
12.3.3 Printer Configuration 56
12.4 Program License Agreement 59
12.5 Limited Warranty 60
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Chapter 1
This guide is intended for the user of the IBM personal computer
system, and assumes that the reader is experienced with the use and
operation of a PC. PC-DeskMates User's Guide is organized to be
utilized as both an installation manual and a reference manual.
1.1 Shareware Software
Alternative Decision Software distributes PC-DeskMates with an
innovative marketing approach called Shareware. Shareware, which was
originated by Bob Wallace of Quicksoft, is a method of distributing
quality software at a low price.
Anyone can receive a distribution copy of the product for $10.00. You
may then review the product to determine if you'd like to continue
using it. If you decide to use it, we encourage you to become a
registered user of the product. Whatever your decision, you may still
freely use, copy and share the product with your friends and
Why would we give our product away? Quite simply, we can save a lot of
money by having our users distribute and promote our product. Kind of
like word of mouth advertising. These savings are then passed on to
you. Our $10.00 fee is mainly used to pay for advertising, production
and distribution charges.
But then why should you pay a fee to register as a user? The
registration fee is used to further develop PC-DeskMates and other new
products and to provide us with a modest profit. Compare the concept
to public television. Our future existence depends on the support of
our users, and we feel once you've tried PC-DeskMates, you'll be honest
enough to become a registered user.
Alternative Decision Software products are all tested, fully documented
and have the same quality and features of higher priced products. But
you do not pay for the fancy packaging and expensive advertising.
After using our product, we encourage you to register with us for a
$25.00 fee, $15.00 if you've previously purchased a distribution
- 5 -
diskette from us.
Registration provides the following benefits:
1. Receive a new PC-DeskMates distribution diskette with your own
registration number.
2. Full Telephone support
3. One free major update for a small handling fee
4. A $5.00 commission for each new registered user who provides your
registration number as a reference.
5. Inclusion on our mailing list so that you may receive new product
You may register your copy of PC-DeskMates by either completing the
accompanying registration form or by calling us. We accept Master
Charge, Visa, COD and checks. Please, no Purchase Orders. Call for
information regarding OEM and large quantity discount prices.
1.1.1 Registration Number
When you register your copy of PC-DeskMates you will receive a new copy
of the distribution diskette that will contain your registration number
within the program.
This registration number is used by us to determine who will receive
the commission payment when a new user registers and supplies your
In addition, we will only provide telephone support to those users who
have a valid registration number.
The program will display this number each time it is first executed.
If you registered by phone you may want to insert your registration
number into your current copy. Refer to the section of the appendix
discussing the Installation Utility to learn how to insert your
registration number into the program.
- 6 -
1.1.2 Registration Form
ADSI Registration & Comment Form
City:__________________________ State:_____ ZIP _______________
Telephone:(_____) _____-_______
PC-DeskMates Version:_____._____
Registration Number on your current copy:_______________________
Send ____ Copies of Registered PC-DeskMates at $25.00/ea ____.__
COD 1.80 ____.__
Shipping 2.50
NY 8% Sales Tax ____.__
TOTAL ____.__
[ ] COD [ ] Check enclosed
[ ] Visa [ ] MC Card No._______________ Exp. Date_____________
Mail To:
Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 307
Lancaster, NY 14086
(716) 684-2423
- 7 -
1.2 Description and Capabilities
PC-DeskMates allows your PC to eliminate those devices that are
currently cluttering your desktop. It is no longer necessary to
maintain an alarm clock, calculator, typewriter, phone book or calendar
on your desktop. These functions can easily be performed by your PC at
any time, even while you are using it for other programs and
functions. In addition, PC-DeskMates allows you to control the PC
printer and to execute commonly used PC DOS commands while running
other programs.
PC-DeskMates is stored in your PC's memory so that it may be accessed
by pressing a single command key. This allows you to execute these
functions at any time from within any program without exiting your
program or loading diskettes.
PC-DeskMates includes the following utilities:
- Alarm Clock - Calculator
* Display Time * Full Function
* Hourly Chime * Printing
* Ring Bell * Monitor Display Tape
* Display Note * Memory & Percentage
* Auto Program Start * Read Screen Numbers
* Return Answer
- Calendar - DOS Commands
* Display & Print Any Month * Chkdsk
Between 1964 & 2050 * Chdir
* Maintain Multiple Calendars Of * Copy, Erase & Rename Files
Important Dates & Appointments * Display Directories
* Print & Type Files
- 8 -
- Notepad - Phone Dialer
* Enter Notes * Automatic Phone Dialer
* Print Notes * Maintain Multiple Phone Books
* Recall & Save Notes From Disk * Store Them Within PC Memory
* Save & Recall From Disk
- Printer Control - Typewriter
* Enable/Disable PrtScr * Emulate Electric Typewriter
* Select Printer Type * Character Mode
* Select Printer Device * Line Mode
* Print a Test Pattern * Margin Control
* Select Special Printer Functions * Tab Control
The program also contains the following features:
1. Menu Driven
2. Help Facilities
3. Can be used as either a memory resident or stand alone program.
4. Ability to change the start key for the memory resident version.
5. Ability to configure the Printer Control Utility for non-IBM
compatible printers
1.3 Requirements
The following minimum hardware configuration is required to run
- An IBM Personal Computer, or true compatible, with at least 128K
of memory
- At least one single or double sided, double density, diskette
- An 80 column monochrome display or a color monitor with a graphics
- PC DOS 2.0
- Optional: Dot matrix or letter quality printer, hard disk, Hayes
compatible Smartmodem
Since PC-DeskMates is stored in your PC's memory, it is necessary to
have enough memory to run your largest application program plus an
additional 64 Kbytes to store PC-DeskMates.
- 9 -
1.4 Conventions
The following terminology and conventions are used throughout this
User's Guide and with the operation of PC-DeskMates.
Alt- indicates pressing the Alt key in combination with
another key. The Alt key is used in a manner similar
to that of a typewriter shift key.
Return indicates pressing the Return or Enter key.
Ctrl- indicates pressing the Ctrl key in combination with
another key. The Ctrl key is used in a manner
similar to that of a typewriter shift key.
Esc indicates the pressing of the Escape key.
F1 - F0 refers to one of the ten function keys. F0 will be
used to designate function key F10.
Shift- indicates pressing the Shift key in combination with
another key.
Window The area on the monitor that a PC-DeskMates' utility
will outline to define its environment.
- 10 -
Chapter 2
Using PC-DeskMates
2.1 Installation
The following procedure can be used to make a copy of the PC-DeskMates
distribution diskette.
1. Insert your system diskette into drive A and
execute the following command:
2. Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
into drive A and a blank diskette into drive B
then press the "Return" key.
Once you have created a new copy of your distribution diskette, store
the original copy in a secure location.
Since PC-DeskMates is stored in your PC's memory, it is necessary to
load it into memory each time you boot or reload PC DOS. Therefore, it
is most likely that you will want to copy the PC-DeskMates program to
any system diskette that you use to boot PC DOS.
2.1.1 Diskette Systems
The following procedures can be used on either one or two diskette
drive systems to copy PC-DeskMates to a bootable diskette. Note that
on one diskette drive systems, it will be necessary to execute the
commands and then wait for PC-DOS to inform you to mount the diskettes
into drive A or B.
1. Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
into drive A.
2. Insert your bootable system diskette into drive B.
3. Execute the following command:
- 11 -
2.1.2 Hard Disk Systems
Since the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette is not copy protected, it
is possible to copy and execute the program from a hard disk. The
following steps can be used to install PC-DeskMates onto a hard disk
within the root directory.
1. Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
into drive A.
2. Execute the following command:
2.1.3 Loading From A Subdirectory
Hard disk users might want to store PC-DeskMates and its associated
notepad and configuration files in a separate subdirectory. The
following method should be used to load PC-DeskMates from the
This example assumes that the subdirectory is named "DESKMATE".
2.1.4 MS-DOS Systems
PC-DeskMates was developed and extensively tested using PC-DOS 2.1. It
has come to our attention that the program will hang the keyboard when
used on some compatible PCs using MS-DOS. There are two different
methods of correcting this problem:
1. Use PC-DOS 2.1 on your IBM compatible.
2. Create the file "CONFIG.SYS" and insert the command
"DEVICE=ANSI.SYS" into it. Then copy "CONFIG.SYS" and the file
"ANSI.SYS", located on the MS-DOS distribution diskette, onto the
diskette or the root directory of a hard disk from which you boot
PC-DOS. Please refer to the MS-DOS reference manual for
additional information.
We can not ensure that these methods will fix this problem on all
compatibles. If you have any difficulties please inform us of your
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2.1.5 Monochrome with Graphics Cards
If you are using a monochrome monitor with a color graphics card it
will be necessary to execute the following command before executing
The sample "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file contained on the distribution diskette
contains an example of this command.
Read the Appendix titled "Special Considerations" for further
2.1.6 Installation Utility
The distribution diskette contains a utility program named "INSTALL"
that will allow you to customize the following features of
- Select an alternative key that will start the memory resident
version of the program.
- Insert your registration number into the program.
- Define printer configurations for non-IBM compatible dot matrix
Refer to the appendix discussing the Installation Utility for further
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2.2 How To Get Started
PC-DeskMates can be used as either a memory resident or a stand alone
program. When used as a memory resident program, it is only necessary
to execute the program once. At that time, the program will remain in
memory and can be accessed at any time by pressing the "Alt-M" key.
When used as a stand alone program, it is necessary to run the program
from a diskette each time you want to use it.
2.2.1 Memory Resident Version
Once PC-DeskMates has been copied to your bootable system diskette or
to a hard disk you will need to load the program into your PC's memory
each time you boot or reload PC DOS. Perform the following command to
complete the initial loading of PC-DeskMates:
It is only necessary to load PC-DeskMates into memory once. Loading it
more than once will only waste memory.
You may want to insert the command "DESKMATE /M" into your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file so that it is automatically executed each time you boot or reload
PC DOS. We have included a sample "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file on the
distribution diskette. You may want to copy this file to your system
diskettes or type it to use as an example. You may use the
PC-DeskMates' Notepad utility to edit this file.
Before using PC-DeskMates you should read the Appendix titled "Special
Considerations". This will detail certain situations that need to be
considered when using PC-DeskMates.
PLEASE NOTE: Memory resident programs interact with PC DOS using
non-standard techniques. Therefore, other programs that also interact
with PC DOS in non-standard ways may not function properly with
PC-DeskMates. Due to the large number of programs available for the IBM
PC, it is impossible for us to test PC-DeskMates with all of them. We
strongly suggest that you test PC-DeskMates with those other programs
that you normally run before using this program in day to day
operations. Once PC-DeskMates is loaded, it is simply a matter of
pressing the "Alt-M" key to start the program.
2.2.2 Stand Alone Version
If you do not want to store PC-DeskMates in memory, but would still
like to use it as a stand alone program, it may be executed from a
diskette or hard disk by performing the following command:
- 14 -
2.2.3 Start Key
The memory resident version of the program is started by pressing the
"Alt-M" key. If you need to use this key for other applications, you
may perform either of the following:
1. Press the "Alt-M" key twice in a row. The first time
PC-DeskMates' menu will appear. The second time the "Alt-M" key
will be passed on to your application program.
2. You may change the "Alt" key that is used to start PC-DeskMates.
Refer to the appendix discussing the Installation Utility for
further information.
2.2.4 Main Menu
Once PC-DeskMates is started, a menu will appear in the upper righthand
portion of the monitor similar to the following figure:
F1 Exit
F2 Alarm Clock
F3 Calculator
F4 Calendar
F5 DOS Commands
F6 Notepad
F7 Phone Dialer
F8 Printer
F9 Typewriter
F0 Setup
The desired PC-DeskMates' utility is selected by pressing the
appropriate function key. You may return to your interrupted program
by pressing the "Esc" key.
Each utility, as it is started, creates a small window on your monitor
that defines the environment for its use. It may simply outline a
notepad or phone book, display a typewriter, calculator or calendar, or
present a box defining its available functions.
The utilities will either have a Help facility, that is selected by
pressing the "F2" key, or will indicate how its features are selected
within its window.
Where possible, the selection of certain functions are accomplished by
pressing the same keys between utilities. The following keys are
usually used to select the same functions:
F1 Menu Selects PC-DeskMates' menu.
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F2 Help Selects the Help feature for the particular utility.
F3 Move Alternately moves the utility from either top to
bottom or right to left on the monitor.
F4 Print Selects the printing option for the utility.
2.2.5 Line Editing Functions
When PC-DeskMates' utilities prompts you to enter information, it is
possible for you to either enter or change the information prompted for
by using any of the line editing functions. These functions could be
used when entering a Date, Time, filename or Directory name. The
following line editing functions are available:
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Delete Deletes the character located under the cursor.
End Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
Esc Completes the entry of the currently displayed prompt
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Insert Inserts a blankspace under the cursor.
Left Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the left.
Return Completes the entry of the currently displayed prompt
Right Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the right.
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Chapter 3
Alarm Clock
The Alarm Clock utility allows your PC to:
- Display the time on the monitor every 15 seconds.
- Sound an hourly chime.
- Set the system date and time.
- Designate a time that the Alarm Clock will ring and display a note
on the monitor.
- Execute a DOS command, a program or a batch file when the alarm is
The Alarm Clock is selected by pressing function key "F2" from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The monitor will display the following information
to indicate the current status of the Alarm Clock and to define which
function keys are pressed to set its features.
Alarm Clock
F1 Menu
F2 Date January 1, 1985
F3 Time 11:49 am
F4 Clock On
F5 Chime On
F6 Alarm Off
F7 Time 00:00
If you wish to return to PC-DeskMates' menu press the "F1" key.
Pressing the "Esc" key allows you to return to your interrupted
3.1 Setting The Date
Pressing the "F2" key allows you to change the system date. The
program will prompt you to enter the new date in the format "MM/DD/YY".
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You may use any of the line editing functions to change the date. It
is important to include all digits and to enter leading zeros. Press
the "Return" key to complete your entry. If the date is invalid, the
program will beep and not change the date. If you do not want to
change the date, just press the "Return" key.
3.2 Setting The Time
Pressing the "F3" key allows you to change the system time. The
program will prompt you to enter the new time in the format "HH:MM".
You may use any of the line editing functions to change the time. It
is important to include all digits and to enter leading zeros. Press
the "Return" key to complete your entry. If the time is invalid, the
program will beep and not change the time. If you do not want to
change the time, just press the "Return" key. The time is entered in
24 hour format. That is, 5:00 pm is entered as 17:00.
3.3 Clock Display
Alternately pressing the "F4" key enables and disables the time from
being displayed on the monitor every 15 seconds.
3.4 Hourly Chime
Alternately pressing the "F5" key enables and disables the ringing of
an hourly chime.
3.5 Setting The Alarm
Alternately pressing the "F6" key enables and disables the Alarm Clock
from ringing and displaying a note on the monitor.
Pressing the "F7" key allows you to set the time that the Alarm Clock
will ring and display a note. The program will prompt you to enter a
new alarm time in the format "HH:MM". You may use any of the line
editing functions to change the time. Press the "Return" key to
complete your entry. If the time that you enter is incorrect, the
alarm time will be set to "00:00". Simply press the "Return" key if you
do not wish to change the alarm time. The alarm time is entered in 24
hour format. That is, 5:00 pm is entered as 17:00.
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The program will also prompt you to enter a note that will be displayed
when the alarm goes off. You may use any of the line editing functions
to either change or enter the note. You may enter up to 15 characters
for the note. Press the "Return" key to complete your entry.
When the program has determined that the alarm is ready to go off, it
will ring the chime and display the note on the monitor until you
disable the Alarm Clock by pressing the "F6" key.
3.6 Program Starting
It is possible for the Alarm Clock to start a program, execute a
command or start a batch file when the Alarm Clock goes off. This is
accomplished by placing the command in the note feature of the Alarm
Clock preceded by the ">" character. For example, to automatically
print the file "PAY.PRT" when the Alarm Clock goes off, insert the
following note into the Alarm Clock:
>Print PAY.PRT
If the command is longer than 15 characters or if you would like to
execute multiple commands simply place them into a batch file and
insert the name of the batch file into the note.
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Chapter 4
The Calculator utility provides a full function printing calculator
with a monitor tape display. It also allows you to read numbers
directly off of the monitor and to copy the result back into your
interrupted program.
The Calculator utility is selected by pressing the "F3" key from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The program will create a window on the display
which contains a picture of a calculator. This picture is used to
indicate which keys are used to select the Calculator's functions.
The utility provides you with a four function arithmetic calculator
with memory storage and percentage key. The following functions are
F1 Menu F2 Help
F3 Move F4 Print
F5 Format F6 Copy #
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Help Displays the Calculator Help information.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Calculator display between the
left and righthand portion of the monitor.
F4 Print Alternately enables and disables the printing of
calculations on the lineprinter.
F5 Format Selects the number of digits printed to the right of
the decimal point.
F6 Copy # Copies the current Calculator result back to your
interrupted program.
Clear Entry Pressing the "C" key clears the last number entered
into the calculator.
Clear All Pressing the "C" key twice in a row completely clears
the calculator.
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
M Memory Pressing the "M" key allows you to select one of the
memory functions ( +, -, *, /, C, E, R ).
- 20 -
Return Copies the number located under the cursor into the
4.1 Entering Numbers
The first time you select the calculator the keypad will be set to
select the cursor functions. If you want to use the keypad to enter
numbers, press the "Num Lock" key. Each time you exit the calculator
the program will save the current status of the keypad. The next time
you select the calculator the previous status of the keypad will be
Numbers are entered by simply pressing the appropriate number on the
numeric keypad located to the right of the keyboard. As the numeric
keys are entered, they are displayed in the Calculator window.
The decimal point can be entered at any time to indicate fractional
Negative numbers can be entered by first entering the number, then
pressing the "S" key, which changes the sign of the number currently
displayed in the Calculator.
Incorrect entries can be cleared by pressing the "C" key, which will
clear the current number displayed in the Calculator.
4.2 Arithmetic Operations
Arithmetic operations provide the ability to perform such operations as
addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and percentage. The
following symbols on the keyboard are pressed to select the
corresponding arithmetical function.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
= Equal
% Percentage
Problems are entered into the Calculator in a manner similar to which
they are entered into an electronic calculator. The "=" key is used to
complete an arithmetic calculation and display the answer. For
example, to add the two numbers 5.75 and 7.25 the following keys are
- 21 -
5.75 + 5.75
7.25 = 13.00
After a result is obtained in one calculation, it may then be directly
used as the first number in the next calculation. It is not necessary
to enter the number again.
Calculations can be entered one at a time, (such as in the example
above). Complex problems can be entered in a chained fashion.
Chaining allows the Calculator to perform a string of arithmetic
operations without having to have the "=" key pressed after each
operation. For example, a complex problem such as the following could
be solved in two ways:
((16 - 5)*25 + 14)/5
1. Non-Chained
16 - 16.00
5 = 11.00
* 11.00
25 = 275.00
+ 275.00
14 = 289.00
/ 289.00
5 = 57.80
2. Chained
16 - 16.00
5 * 11.00
25 + 275.00
14 / 289.00
5 = 57.80
4.3 Percentages
The percentage key "%" converts the current number displayed in the
Calculator to a decimal percentage. That is, it will multiply this
number by 0.01.
The real power of this operation is obtained when used in conjunction
with the addition and subtraction operations. It is then possible to
add or subtract a percentage of a number from itself. This allows you
to solve the most common percentage problems.
For example, to find the total cost of an item costing $50 with a sales
tax of 7 percent, perform the following operation:
- 22 -
50 + 50.00
7 % 3.50
= 53.50
To find the total cost of an item costing $75 that is on sale for a 10
percent discount, perform the following operation:
75 - 75.00
10 % 7.50
= 67.50
4.4 Clear Key
Pressing the "C" key once, clears the current number displayed in the
Calculator. This could be used to change any incorrect numbers that
were entered. Pressing the "C" key twice in a row also clears all
previous operations and results.
4.5 Sign Key
Pressing the "S" key, changes the sign of the number displayed in the
Calculator. Negative numbers can be entered into the Calculator by
first pressing the appropriate numeric keys followed by the "S" key.
4.6 Printing
Pressing the "F4" key allows the Calculator to print all transactions
and calculations that it performs on the selected lineprinter. The
Calculator will indicate that the printer is selected by displaying the
letter "P" on the Calculator window. The printer used will be the one
that has been previously selected by PC-DeskMates' Printer Control
You SHOULD NEVER select the Print option if a lineprinter is not
available on your system or if it is not ready. This situation causes
the Calculator to pause for a few seconds until DOS determines that the
lineprinter is unavailable.
The printer option may be turned off by pressing the "F4" key again.
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4.7 Format
Pressing the "F5" key allows you to select the number of digits that
are displayed to the right of the decimal point. The Calculator will
indicate where the decimal point is set by moving its decimal
indicator. Repeatedly pressing the "F5" key increases the number of
fractional digits displayed until it returns to zero.
The Calculator uses 11 digits when performing all calculations. If the
entered number or result that occurs is too large to be displayed, an
overflow message is displayed and the Calculator is cleared.
4.8 Reading Screen Numbers
It is possible for the Calculator to read numbers that are displayed on
the monitor. This is accomplished by performing the following:
1. Select the cursor function on the keypad by pressing
the "Num Lock" key.
2. Place the cursor over any digit of the number that
you want to read by pressing the up, down, left
and right arrow keys on the keypad.
3. Press the "Return" key.
If the number was invalid, a zero will be placed into the calculator.
The number that is read is placed into the Calculator just as if you
had individually pressed the keys corresponding to each of the digits
in the number.
4.9 Returning Results
It is possible for the Calculator to copy the current number it is
displaying back to your interrupted program. To accomplish this,
simply place your program to the state it would be in when you would
manually enter the number. Then select PC-DeskMates' Calculator
utility and perform your calculations. When you have finished, press
the "F6" key. This will copy the number back into your program and
also continue your program at the point which it was interrupted.
- 24 -
4.10 Memory Functions
The memory feature of your Calculator is a special place in which you
may store numbers so that they can be used in calculations at a later
time. It is possible to add, subtract, multiply, divide, clear, recall
and exchange numbers within Memory.
The memory functions are first selected by pressing the "M" key. The
Calculator will then display the letter "M" indicating that you may
then select the desired memory function. The following keyboard
symbols are pressed to select the desired function.
+ Addition Adds the currently displayed number with the memory.
- Subtraction Subtracts the currently displayed number from the
* Multiply Multiplies the currently displayed number with the
/ Divide Divides memory by the currently displayed number.
C Clear Clears the current number stored in the memory.
R Recall Recalls the number currently stored in memory into
the Calculator. This allows the Calculator to use
numbers stored in memory with any function. The
number in memory is not affected and can be recalled
as many times as required.
E Exchange Exchanges the number stored in memory with the
current number stored in the Calculator. This
effectively clears and adds the current Calculator
number to the memory and recalls the number stored in
memory into the Calculator.
- 25 -
Chapter 5
The Calendar utility allows you to maintain your daily calendar of
important events, such as holidays, vacations, appointments and special
activities, within your PC's memory at all times. You may also edit,
print, save and recall the information to a Calendar file on your
disk. This allows you to maintain as many Calendar files as you would
The Calendar utility is selected by pressing function key "F4" from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The Calendar will create two windows on your
monitor. The top window will display the current monthly calendar
while the bottom window will be a Calendar Notepad containing the
currently selected Calendar file. Those dates that have been included
in the Calendar file will be displayed in high intensity within the
Calendar window.
The Calendar window will be selected when the utility is first
started. Pressing the "F2" key will allow you to access the Calendar
Notepad. Pressing the "Esc" key from within the Calendar Notepad will
return you to the Calendar Window.
The position of the cursor will indicate which window you are currently
using. PLEASE NOTE: The meaning of the function keys will be
dependent on the window that you are using.
5.1 Calendar Window
The following function and control keys are available from the Calendar
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Notepad Allows you to access the Calendar Notepad. You are
then able to edit, recall, save and print Calendar
F3 Move Alternately moves the Calendar between the right and
left portions of the monitor.
- 26 -
F4 Print Prints the current monthly calendar along with any
notes associated with the month on the selected
- Displays the previous month.
+ Displays the next month.
Up Arrow Displays the current month for next year.
Down Arrow Displays the current month for the previous year.
PgUp Allows you to page backward within the notepad.
PgDn Allows you to page forward within the notepad.
Home Displays the monthly calendar associated with today's
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
Each time the Calendar month is changed, the Notepad window is changed
to display the information for the currently selected month. If no
information is available for this month, the next month's information
is displayed.
The "PgDn" and "PgUp" functions allow you to scan your Calendar Notepad
without having to press the "F2" key to enter the Notepad window.
It is possible to print a plain monthly calendar without notes, if you
simply erase or read a non-existent calendar file into the Calendar
Notepad. You can also print multiple months per page if you advance the
displayed calendar month and select the Calendar Print option again.
You may want to try printing your calendars using the special character
sizes available on the IBM compatible dot matrix printers using the
Printer Control utility. Selecting Double Width and Compressed print
produces an interesting printed calendar.
5.2 Calendar Notepad
When using the Calendar utility, it is possible to have a calendar
stored within memory so that important dates can be indicated on the
monthly calendar. When PC-DeskMates is first loaded into memory, it
attempts to read a Calendar file named "CALENDAR.PAD" from the current
default directory and drive. If you maintain your important dates
within this file, you will have immediate access to them at all times.
The PC-DeskMates distribution diskette will contain a copy of this file
which has all the holidays defined for the current year.
The Calendar Notepad is accessed by selecting the "Notepad" function
- 27 -
from within the Calendar window. This is performed by pressing the
"F2" key. This Notepad will function similarly to the Notepad that is
selected from PC-DeskMates' menu. However, the following differences
should be noted:
- This Notepad has the file "CALENDAR.PAD" recalled when
PC-DeskMates is first loaded into memory.
- The information within the Calendar Notepad is stored in a
different location of memory than the Notepad that is selected
from PC-DeskMates' menu. This allows you to have a Calendar,
Phone Book and note within memory at all times.
The Calendar Notepad allows you to enter information within your
calendar in a free format. This allows you to format the information
in a method that best meets your needs. However, if you would like to
have important dates highlighted on the monthly calendar display, you
will need to follow the following conventions:
- All dates are entered in the format "MM/DD/YY" and must start in
column one of the line.
- All dates must be inserted into the Calendar file in the proper
sequence. For example, "01/01/85" would be placed before
- You may have multiple lines of information for a specific date by
simply not placing a date in columns 1 to 8 for each additional
You may want to print or type out the Calendar file which is contained
on the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette to use as an example when
creating your own Calendar files.
The following function and control keys are available when using the
Calendar Notepad:
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Help Displays the Calendar Notepad Help information.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Calendar between the right and
left portions of the monitor.
F4 Print Prints the information stored within the Calendar
Notepad to the selected lineprinter.
F5 Recall Recalls a Calendar file into the Notepad from a
disk. The program will prompt you to enter a
Calendar file name and then ask if you would like to
- 28 -
F6 Save Saves the information contained within the Calendar
Notepad to a disk file. The program will prompt you
to enter a Calendar file name and then ask if you
would like to continue.
Esc Exit Returns you to the Calendar window.
For further information regarding the editing capabilities of the
Calendar Notepad, please refer to the chapter discussing PC-DeskMates'
- 29 -
Chapter 6
DOS Commands
The DOS Commands utility allows you to perform commonly used DOS
commands from within any application program. This utility allows your
PC to:
- Check the available and free space on a disk drive.
- Change either your application or PC-DeskMates' default disk drive
and directory.
- Copy a file.
- Obtain a display of the files contained within a directory.
- Erase a file.
- Print a file on the selected lineprinter.
- Rename a file.
- Type a file on the monitor.
Each of the commands are selected by pressing an appropriate function
key. The following menu is displayed at the bottom of the monitor when
this utility is selected:
F1 Menu F2 Chkdsk F3 Chdir F4 Copy F5 Dir
F6 Erase F7 Print F8 Rename F9 Type Esc Exit
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Chkdsk Displays the amount of available and free space on a
disk drive.
F3 Chdir Changes the default disk drive and directory for
either PC-DeskMates' utilities or your application.
F4 Copy Copies a file to another file name.
F5 Dir Displays the available files stored on a disk drive
or within a directory.
- 30 -
F6 Erase Erases a file.
F7 Print Prints a file to the selected lineprinter.
F8 Rename Renames a file.
F9 Type Displays a file on the monitor.
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
After selecting a DOS Command, the program prompts you to enter the
required information for that command. If the command has a default
value, it is displayed. You may change this information by using any
of the line editing functions. Press the "Return" key to complete your
The COPY, DIR, ERASE, PRINT, RENAME and TYPE commands are capable of
using the wildcard characters "*" and "?". When using these commands,
the utility will display each filename that is affected by the
PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible for PC-DeskMates to determine if a
data file is currently being accessed by your application program.
Therefore, you should not use the COPY, ERASE, PRINT, RENAME, or TYPE
commands on data files that your application program is currently
accessing. You also should not change your default directory.
Programs such as word processors and spreadsheets normally do not
access data files once they have completed reading or writing them. On
the other hand, data base managers and application programs written in
higher level languages, such as accounting programs, may continuously
access data files.
6.1 Chkdsk
Pressing function key "F2" allows you to obtain the amount of available
and free space on a disk drive. The command will prompt you to enter
the desired drive letter. Press the "Return" key to complete your
entry. If a drive letter is not entered the command will use the
currently selected disk drive.
6.2 Chdir
The Chdir command allows you to select the default disk drive and
directory that either PC-DeskMates or your application programs
access. This allows you to access files stored in subdirectories from
within any application program that does not allow you to use
- 31 -
There are two directories associated with PC-DeskMates. One is referred
to as the "Desk" directory and is normally used to access files from
PC-DeskMates' utilities. The other is referred to as the "DOS"
directory and is set to the directory that your application program is
accessing when PC-DeskMates is started.
Pressing the "F3" key allows you to perform two different functions:
1. Select which directory (Desk or DOS) will be used when accessing
files from PC-DeskMates' utilities.
2. Allows you to change the default disk drive and directory for
either the "Desk" or "DOS" directory.
Each time you access PC-DeskMates' utilities, the current drive and
directory that your application program is using is saved as the "DOS"
directory. The "Desk" drive and directory is then made the default
value. Each time you exit the program, the default disk drive and
directory is restored to the value stored in the "DOS" directory.
You may alternate between the "DOS" and "Desk" directories when
accessing files from within PC-DeskMates' utilities by pressing the
"F3" key. It is also possible for you to change the disk drive and
directory associated with the "DOS" or "Desk" directory by editing this
information when the command prompts you to enter these values. If you
do not desire to change these values, simply press the "Return" key.
The currently selected directory will be displayed at the bottom of the
DOS window.
If you want to change the disk drive and directory that your
application program is using, perform the following:
1. Press the "F3" key until the utility prompts you to enter the
default "DOS" disk drive and directory.
2. Use the line editing functions to change the default disk drive
and directory.
3. Press the "Return" key to complete your selection.
4. Press the "Esc" key to return to your interrupted program.
You would perform the same steps to change the default disk drive and
directory used by the PC-DeskMates' utilities replacing the "Desk"
directory for the "DOS" directory.
This command allows you to now access files stored in subdirectories
for those applications that do not allow the entry of file
directories. It even allows you to change the default drive and
directory while your program is running.
- 32 -
6.3 Copy
Pressing the "F4" key allows you to copy a file to another file. The
command will prompt you to enter the "From" and "To" file names. Press
the "Return" key to complete the entry of each file name.
PLEASE NOTE: The COPY command will take a longer amount of time to
complete the file transfer than the normal DOS COPY command, due to
smaller memory buffers.
6.4 Directory
Pressing the "F5" key allows you to obtain a display of the files
contained on a disk or within a directory. The command will prompt you
to enter the desired directory mask.
6.5 Erase
Pressing the "F6" key allows you to erase a file. The command will
prompt you to enter the name of the file you wish to erase.
6.6 Print
Pressing the "F7" key allows you to print a file on the selected
lineprinter. The command will prompt you to enter the file name that
you wish to print. Printing of the current file may be stopped at any
time by pressing the "Esc" key.
6.7 Rename
Pressing the "F8" key allows you to rename a file. The command will
prompt you to enter the "From" and "To" file names. Press the "Return"
key to complete the entry of each file name.
- 33 -
6.8 Type
Pressing the "F9" key allows you to display a file on the monitor. The
command will prompt you to enter a file name. After the command fills
the DOS window, it will prompt you to press any key to continue.
Pressing the "Esc" key will stop the display of the file.
- 34 -
Chapter 7
The Notepad utility allows you to enter a note into your computer at
any time, save it to a disk file and recall it at a later time. You
may even print the note to the selected lineprinter.
The Notepad utility is selected by pressing the "F6" key from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The utility will create a window on the right
portion of your monitor which will resemble a Notepad.
The top portion of the Notepad will indicate the name of the Notepad
file that is currently being used.
The following functions may be selected by pressing the appropriate
function key:
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Help Displays the Notepad Help information.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Notepad between the right and
left portions of the monitor.
F4 Print Prints the information contained within the Notepad
on to the selected lineprinter.
F5 Recall Recalls a Notepad file that was previously saved.
F6 Save Saves the current information contained in the
Notepad to a disk file.
F7 Align Word aligns and merges lines of information within
the Notepad.
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
7.1 Entering Information
The Notepad works in a manner similar to a full screen text editor or
word processor. Simply enter information by pressing the appropriate
keys. The following keys allow you to edit the information once it has
been entered:
- 35 -
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and
moves the cursor to the left one position.
Del Deletes the character located beneath the cursor.
Ins Inserts a space into the Notepad.
Ctrl-D Deletes the entire line that the cursor is currently
located on.
Return Creates a new line.
The following commands will allow you to move around the Notepad:
Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the left one position.
Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the right one position.
Up Arrow Moves the cursor up one line.
Down Arrow Moves the cursor down one line.
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
End Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl-Home Moves the cursor to the top of the current page.
Ctrl-End Moves the cursor to the end of the current page.
PgDn Advances the cursor one page.
PgUp Moves the cursor backward one page.
Ctrl-PgDn Moves the cursor to the last line of the note.
Ctrl-PgUp Moves the cursor to the first line of the note.
The Notepad is capable of storing up to 2000 characters at any time.
Should you attempt to insert more than this amount, the Notepad will
display the message "Buffer Space Full".
7.2 Print
Pressing the "F4" key allows you to print the current information
stored in the Notepad to the selected lineprinter.
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7.3 Recall & Save
Pressing the "F5" key allows you to recall a previously stored note.
The Notepad will prompt you to enter the name of the file containing
the note. You may use any of the line editing functions to enter or
change the filename. Press the "Return" key to complete the entry of
the filename.
If you wish to clear the Notepad simply recall a note file that does
not exist. The Notepad will indicate that the file is not found and
will clear the Notepad.
The Notepad will ask you if you would like to continue before it
recalls the file. Either press the "Y" key to continue or the "N" key
to stop the Notepad recall command.
Pressing the "F6" key allows you to save the information in the Notepad
to a disk file. The Notepad will prompt you to enter a file name. You
may use any of the line editing functions to either enter or change the
filename. Press the "Return" key to complete the entry of the
The Notepad will ask you if you would like to continue before it saves
the file. Either press the "Y" key to continue or the "N" key to stop
the Notepad save command.
7.4 Align
After extensive editing, information within the notepad will become
fragmented between lines. It will be necessary to merge information
between lines so that they will be properly aligned.
The Align function will automatically merge and word align information
between lines within the notepad. Simply place the cursor on any
character within the first line that you would like to have aligned,
then press the "F7" key. The Notepad will merge the included lines on
word boundaries until a blank line is found.
7.4.1 Special Notepad Files
We have included a variety of Notepad files on the distribution
diskettes that we have found useful. You may use them as examples or
as helpful business tools.
Ascii.pad Contains a table of the ascii character set and their
decimal values.
- 37 -
Holidays.pad A sample calendar file containing the holidays for
Metrics.pad A metric conversion table.
States.pad Includes an alphabetic listing of all states with
their abbreviations and zip code ranges.
- 38 -
Chapter 8
Phone Dialer
The Phone Dialer allows you to automatically dial any telephone number
that is displayed on the monitor, if your PC has access to a Hayes
compatible Smartmodem.
The Phone Dialer Notepad allows you to maintain a phone book of
important telephone numbers in your PC's memory so that they may be
available at all times. You may edit, print, save or recall as many
phone books as you would like.
The Phone Dialer utility is selected by pressing function key "F7" from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The utility will create two windows on the
righthand portion of the monitor. The top window will display the use
of the function keys that allow you to automatically dial a telephone
number. The bottom window is a notepad that will contain the telephone
numbers of the current phone book that is being used.
The shape of the cursor is used to indicate which window you are
currently using. When the cursor resembles a square box, you are
working from the Phone Dialer window. If the cursor is a thin line,
you are in the notepad window.
8.1 Phone Dialer Window
The Phone Dialer window will be selected when this utility is first
started. Pressing the "F2" key allows you to access the notepad
window. Pressing the "Esc" key from within the notepad window returns
you to the Phone Dialer window.
PLEASE NOTE: The meaning and use of the function keys is dependent on
which window you are currently using.
The Phone Dialer window allows you to automatically dial any phone
number that is currently displayed on the monitor. It is possible for
you to dial phone numbers that are either contained within the Phone
Dialer Notepad or that are being displayed by other programs on the
monitor. The Phone Dialer window will contain the following
- 39 -
Phone Dialer
F1 Menu F2 Notepad PgUp
F3 Move F4 Com1 PgDn
F5 Dial F6 Touch
F7 Hang Up F8 Prefix
F9 Phone 1
F0 Phone 2
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Notepad Selects the Phone Dialer Notepad.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Phone Dialer between the right
and left portions of the monitor.
F4 Com1 Selects either communication port Com1 or Com2.
F5 Dial Automatically dials the telephone number located
under the cursor.
F6 Touch Alternately selects either Touch Tone or Pulse
F7 Hang Up Hangs up the modem after a telephone call has been
F8 Prefix Allows you to enter a prefix that will be added to
each telephone number that is dialed. This can be
used to dial Watts lines, long distance, or gain an
outside number through a PBX system.
F9-F0 Allows you to store telephone numbers, local access
telephone numbers and authorization codes that are
used frequently within the Phone Dialer. You can even
enter a telephone number to dial that is not
currently displayed on the monitor.
PgUp Allows you to page backwards within the Phone Dialer
PgDn Allows you to page forward within the Phone Dialer
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
Please Note: Each time you dial a phone number, the communications
port and modem will be initialized. The Hang Up function, "F7" can be
pressed at any time and will initialize the selected communications
port and modem. You should NEVER attempt to use the Phone Dialer on a
non-existent communications port or modem as this may hang your
The following Phone Dialer information is saved by the Configuration
- 40 -
- Communications Port Number
- Touch or Pulse Dialing
- Prefix
- Phone 1 & 2
The "PgUp" and "PgDn" functions allow you to page through your Phone
Dialer Notepad without having to press the "F2" key to enter the Phone
Dialer Notepad window. This allows you to easily display any phone
number stored in the notepad on the monitor.
8.1.1 Dialing Telephone Numbers
Dialing a phone number with the Phone Dialer is a simple process and
consists of the following steps:
1. Select the proper communications port by alternately pressing the
"F4" key.
2. Select either Touch Tone or Pulse dialing by alternately pressing
the "F6" key.
3. Place the cursor over the first character of the phone number
that you want to dial by pressing the left, right, down and up
arrow keys located on the keypad.
4. Press the "F5" key to dial the number. The number that you have
selected will be displayed on the monitor and you will be able to
also hear the modem dial the phone number.
5. Once the telephone number is ringing you should first lift the
telephone receiver and then hang up the modem by pressing the
"F7" key.
Any of the following characters may be contained within the telephone
number: (, ), -, 0 ... 9, #, *, space, and commas. Commas allow you to
insert a pause of two seconds during the dialing sequence.
Since you select the starting position of the phone number that is
dialed, you may want to always include the area code within your phone
books. This way you will be able to use your Phone Dialer when you are
calling outside of your local area code.
8.1.2 Telephone Prefixes
The Prefix option allows you to set the initial information that is
always dialed before the selected phone number. This could be used to
obtain access to a telephone line outside of a PBX system, or to allow
you to make calls using a Watts line. Placing a comma within the
string allows you to delay the dialing sequence, so that you can gain
access to an outside line. For example, the following prefix would be
selected to make a long distance call from within a PBX system that
uses the digit "9" to gain access to an outside line: "9,1". You could
also use the prefix to dial a "1" before a telephone number if it was
- 41 -
outside of your local dialing area. This function will prompt you to
enter the prefix information and can be up to 9 characters long.
8.1.3 Phone Dialer Information
The "F9" and "F0" keys allow you to either store important phone
numbers and access codes within the Phone Dialer or to enter a
telephone number that is not presently displayed on the screen.
Selecting these functions will prompt you to enter the information that
you would like stored. The information may be up to 25 characters
8.1.4 Long Distance Services
It is possible to use the Phone Dialer when using access services such
as Sprint and MCI. It is necessary to perform the following steps when
making calls using any type of access service:
1. Select the correct communications port and dialing method using
function keys "F4" and "F6".
2. Place the cursor over the first character of the local access
telephone number and press the "F5" key.
3. After the local access number has been answered and is waiting
for your authorization code, place the cursor over your access
code and press the "F5" key again.
4. Then place the cursor over the telephone number that you want to
dial and press the "F5" key again.
5. After the number begins to ring, hang up the modem by pressing
the "F7" key.
It may be possible for you to dial the local access telephone number
and enter your authorization code in one step by inserting commas
between the local access telephone number and the authorization code.
This allows the modem to delay the dialing of the authorization code
two seconds for each inserted comma. For example, the following
sequence may be used:
Phone Auth.
Number Wait Code
You may want to store your local access telephone number and
authorization code within the two phone numbers that are maintained
within the Phone Dialer. Insert any non-telephone character, such as a
";", after the local access telephone number, if you are unable to use
the delay technique. The PC-DeskMates' configuration file located on
the distribution diskette contains an example of storing a local access
telephone number and authorization code.
- 42 -
8.2 Phone Dialer Notepad
The Phone Dialer Notepad is selected by pressing the "F2" key from
within the Phone Dialer window. The following function and control
keys are available when using the Phone Dialer Notepad:
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Help Displays the Phone Dialer Notepad Help information.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Phone Dialer between the right
and left portions of the monitor.
F4 Print Prints the Phone Dialer Notepad on the selected
F5 Recall Recalls a phone book into the Notepad from a disk.
The program will prompt you to enter a phone book
file name and then ask if you would like to
F6 Save Saves the information contained within the Phone
Dialer Notepad to either an existing or new disk
file. The program will prompt you to enter a phone
book file name and then ask if you would like to
Esc Exit Returns you to the Phone Dialer window.
When PC-DeskMates is first loaded into memory, it attempts to read a
phone book file named "PHONE.PAD" from the current default disk drive
and directory. If you maintain your important telephone numbers within
this file, you will have immediate access to them at all times.
The PC-DeskMates distribution diskette will contain a copy of this file
which has sample telephone numbers included.
The Phone Dialer Notepad will function similarly to the Notepad that is
selected from PC-DeskMates' menu. However, the following differences
should be noted:
- This Notepad has the phone book file "PHONE.PAD" recalled when
PC-DeskMates' is first loaded into memory.
- Each name and telephone number will use only one line within the
Phone Dialer Notepad.
- The information within the Phone Dialer Notepad is stored in a
different location of memory than the Notepad that is selected
from PC-DeskMates' menu. This allows you to have a Calendar,
- 43 -
Phone Book and note within memory at all times.
You may want to print or type out the phone book file which is
contained on the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette to use as an
example when creating your own Phone Book.
For further information regarding the editing capabilities of the Phone
Dialer Notepad, please refer to the chapter discussing PC-DeskMates'
- 44 -
Chapter 9
Printer Control
The Printer Control utility allows you to disable the Print Screen key,
select special print features of your dot matrix printer, print a test
pattern and select the printer device used by PC-DeskMates' utilities.
The Printer Control utility is selected by pressing the "F8" key from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The utility will create a window on the monitor
that will indicate the status of the lineprinter and which function
keys are pressed to select the various functions:
Printer Control
F1 Menu
F2 Test Pattern
F3 Recall Config.
F4 Printer Device Lpt1
F5 PrtScr On
F6 Double Width Off
F7 Compressed Off
F8 Emphasized Off
F9 Enhanced Off
If you wish to return to PC-DeskMates' menu press the "F1" key.
Pressing the "Esc" key allows you to return to your interrupted
1. It is possible for the status of functions "F6" through "F9" to
be incorrect if either the printer is turned off or if other
programs change the status of the lineprinter. If this occurs
simply press these functions until they cycle between "On" and
2. Options "F6" through "F9" should only be selected if you are
using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer or if you have
previously reconfigured these options to correspond to your dot
matrix printer.
3. Do not select any printer option if the selected printer is not
ready as this will cause your system to pause until the printer
times out.
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9.1 Test Pattern
Pressing the "F2" key allows you to print a test pattern on your
printer to ensure that the features you have selected are correct.
9.2 Recall Configuration
It is possible for you to recall a printer configuration file named
"PRINTER.CFG" from the default disk drive and directory that will
define the special print features of your dot matrix printer to the
Printer Control Utility. Pressing the "F3" key will recall this file.
Read the appendix discussing the Installation Utility for further
9.3 PrtScr Control
How many times have you accidentally pressed the PrtScr key while using
the PC keyboard? Pressing the "F4" key allows you to alternately
enable and disable the PrtScr key from functioning.
9.4 Printer Device
Alternately pressing the "F5" key selects the printer port that your
printer is attached to. The selection will sequence from "Lpt1" to
"Lpt3". This selection is used by PC-DeskMates' utilities only and does
not affect your interrupted program.
9.5 Double Width
If you are using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
"F6" key alternately enables and disables the double width character
feature of the printer.
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9.6 Compressed Print
If you are using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
"F7" key alternately changes the character size between 10 and 17
characters per inch. The status indicator will display an "On" when 17
character per inch is selected. Using this function with the double
width function can also allow characters of 6 and 12 characters per
inch to be selected. Please refer to your printer manual for further
9.7 Emphasized Print
If you are using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
"F8" key alternately enables and disables the emphasized print feature
of the printer.
9.8 Enhanced Print
If you are using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
"F9" key alternately enables and disables the enhanced print feature of
the printer.
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Chapter 10
The Typewriter utility allows your PC and printer to become an easy to
use electronic typewriter. Those documents such as envelopes, labels,
forms and memos, which are not easily printed with a word processor,
can now be typed on your PC in a manner similar to using an electronic
The Typewriter is selected by pressing the "F9" key from PC-DeskMates'
The program creates a window on the monitor that displays information
regarding the status of the Typewriter. The center portion of the
window will provide you with a Typewriter ruler indicating the 80
columns, margin settings, and tab settings. The double vertical lines
on the ruler will indicate where the margins are currently set. Tabs
will be indicated by a blankspace within the ruler. The following menu
is displayed when the utility is selected:
Column: 10 F1 Menu F2 Line F3 Move F4 Margins
Margins: 10 70 F5 Tabs F6 Matrix F7 Lpt1 PgDn Form Feed
The column indicator displays the current location of the cursor. The
current margin settings are displayed below the column indicator.
The following function and control keys are available when using the
F1 Menu Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
F2 Mode Alternately selects character or line mode.
F3 Move Alternately moves the Typewriter between the top and
bottom portions of the monitor.
F4 Margins Sets the left and right margin columns.
F5 Tabs Sets and clears tab columns.
F6 Type Alternately selects matrix or letter quality
F7 Device Selects the printer port that the line printer is
attached to.
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PgDn Form feeds the paper in the printer to the top of the
next page.
Esc Exit Returns you to your interrupted program.
10.1 Typing Modes
It is first important to ensure that PC-DeskMates' lineprinter settings
are correct. The printer type (Letter or Matrix), and device, (Lpt1,
2, 3) should be properly set.
There are two different typing modes that the Typewriter can function
in: Line or Character. Line mode allows you to enter information into
the Typewriter, edit it and then print it when the "Return" key is
pressed. Character mode allows you to print the characters on the
printer as you enter them. The desired mode is alternately selected by
pressing the "F2" key.
Line Mode:
Any one of the line editing functions (Backspace, Tab, Del, Ins, Left
Arrow, Right Arrow, Home, End) may be used to edit the entered
information before it is typed on the lineprinter.
The "Return" key is pressed to print the entire line and to advance the
paper one line.
Character Mode:
Since all characters are printed as they are entered, there is no
editing capability in this mode. The backspace key may be used to move
the printer carriage to the left. This will allow you to overprint
characters on your printer. This technique could be used to underline
The "Return" key is pressed to advance the paper one line.
When using Character mode make sure that you have selected the proper
printer type (Matrix or Letter) by presssing the "F6" key. The program
will not be able to properly backspace if this selection is incorrect.
It is also necessary to note that dot matrix printers will not advance
their print head until a printable character is pressed.
10.2 Margins
The Typewriter ruler will indicate the current setting of the left and
right margins. The Typewriter will not allow you to type past the
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Pressing the "F4" key allows you to select new margin columns. The
program will prompt you to enter the left and right margin column
number. If you do not want to change the margin settings, simply press
the return key.
PLEASE NOTE: Use the space and backspace key to place the cursor on a
column that will be within the new margin settings, or else the program
will not allow you to change the margins. The program will
automatically align the left margin when using line mode.
10.3 Tabs
The tab key allows you to automatically skip to predefined Typewriter
columns. The Typewriter initially has a tab set at column 15. Tabs are
set and cleared by first placing the cursor over the desired column and
then pressing the "F5" key. The current tab locations are indicated by
displaying spaces within the Typewriter ruler.
10.4 Printer Type
Alternately pressing the "F6" key selects the printer type that you are
using. Select "Letter" if you are using a letter quality printer and
"Matrix" if you are using a dot matrix printer. This selection is used
by the utility to determine how to backspace in character mode.
10.5 Printer Device
Alternately pressing the "F7" key selects the printer port that your
printer is attached to. The selection will sequence from "Lpt1" to
"Lpt3". This selection is used by PC-DeskMates' utilities only and does
not affect your interrupted program.
10.6 Page Feed
Pressing the "PgDn" key form feeds the paper in the printer to the top
of the next page.
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Chapter 11
The Setup utility allows you to perform the following functions:
- Set the Foreground and Background Monitor Colors.
- Save and Recall configuration settings.
The Setup utility is selected by pressing the "F0" key from
PC-DeskMates' menu. The utility will create a window on the monitor
that will look similar to the following figure:
Setup Menu
F1 Menu
F2 Foreground Color
F3 Background Color
F4 Save Config.
F5 Recall Config.
If you wish to return to PC-DeskMates' menu press the "F1" key.
Pressing the "Esc" key allows you to return to your interrupted
11.1 Setting Monitor Colors
Pressing the "F2" key allows you to change the foreground color used by
PC-DeskMates' utilities. Pressing the "F3" key allows you to change
the background color.
As you cycle through the different monitor colors, it will be possible
to select combinations that will not display at all on the monitor.
Simply continue pressing the "F2" and "F3" keys until you find the
color combination that pleases you.
Some color combinations may not allow calendar dates to be properly
highlighted on your monitor.
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11.2 Save & Recall Configurations
Pressing the "F4" key allows you to save the current PC-DeskMates
configuration settings to a disk file named "DESKMATE.CFG" on the
current default disk drive and directory.
Each time you load PC-DeskMates into memory, the program will attempt
to read the file "DESKMATE.CFG" from the default disk drive, so that
these settings may be restored to their previous values. If it is
unable to find this file, it will set the options to their default
Pressing the "F5" key allows you to read the configuration file at any
The following options will be saved and restored by these functions:
Foreground Color
Background Color
Alarm Clock: Display - On/Off
Chime - On/Off
Alarm - On/Off
Alarm - Time
Alarm - Note
Calculator: Format
Printer Control: PrtScr - On/Off
Print Device - Lpt1/2/3
Phone Dialer Com Device - Com1/2
Touch or Pulse Dialing
Phone 1 & 2
Typewriter: Mode - Line/Char
Print Type - Matrix/Letter
Margin Settings
Tab Settings
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Chapter 12
12.1 Special Considerations
The following items need to be considered when using PC-DeskMates:
1. If you are using other memory resident programs besides
PC-DeskMates, you may need to consider the order that the
programs are loaded. Usually, PC-DeskMates will work properly if
it is loaded last.
2. PC-DeskMates requires 64 Kbytes of memory. Be sure that you have
enough remaining memory to run your other application programs
after PC-DeskMates has been loaded.
3. If you are using a black and white monochrome monitor with a
color graphics card, it will be necessary to execute the command
"MODE BW80" just before PC-DeskMates is loaded. You may want to
insert this command into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It may be
necessary for you to execute this command again if you
accidentally run a program that sets the monitor to color mode.
4. PC-DeskMates will not function if the current program that is
running has set the monitor into graphics mode. If you attempt
to access PC-Deskmates while the monitor is in graphics mode, the
program will ring the bell.
5. When using memory resident programs that can interrupt your
program at any time, it is usually best if you do not select the
memory resident program while your program is performing disk
I/O, writing to the monitor, accessing a modem or printing to the
printer. Should you access PC-DeskMates while your program is
performing any of these functions, it is possible that your
program will not continue until you press another key.
6. It is not possible for PC-DeskMates or your application programs
to determine if you have inserted a different diskette into a
disk drive. Therefore, if you should insert a different diskette
into a disk drive while using PC-DeskMates be sure to insert the
original diskette back into the disk drive before resuming your
application program.
7. Each time PC-DeskMates is started and stopped it will read
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information off the currently accessed disk drive. Therefore, it
is important that a diskette is loaded in the default disk drive
before starting PC-DeskMates. If there is not a disk in the
drive, PC-DeskMates will not start until the disk time out has
12.2 Messages and Explanations
PC-DeskMates will display the following error and warning messages:
* / By Zero
While using the Calculator utility, an attempt was made to divide
a number by zero. This error will clear the calculator.
* Bad File Name
A filename was entered that does not conform to the DOS filenaming
conventions. This error will also occur if you attempt to copy a
file to itself while using the DOS Commands Utility.
* Buffer Space Full
While using one of the notepad utilities, an attempt was made to
enter more information than could be stored within the available
memory buffers.
* Device Error
This message occurs if an attempt is made to access a device that
is not ready. The most likely reasons for this error are: a disk
drive is not available or ready, there is no diskette loaded in
the disk drive, the diskette is not formatted, the selected
printer port is not available, or the selected communications or
modem port is not available.
* Disk Full
While attempting to write to a disk file, the disk drive ran out
of available storage space.
* File Not Found
The program was unable to read or access the named data file from
the selected disk drive. The most likely reasons for this error
are: the file does not exist on the selected disk drive, or an
attempt was made to rename a file to a filename that already
* Overflow
While using the Calculator utility, an attempt was made to input a
- 54 -
number which was greater than 11 digits, or a calculation resulted
in an answer which was larger than or equal to 100 billion. This
error will also occur on smaller numbers if the format option has
reduced the number of digits that are printed to the left of the
decimal point. This error will clear the calculator.
* Path Not Found
While using the CHDIR command, an attempt was made to access a
disk directory which does not exist.
* Printer Error
Either the lineprinter is not on, not ready, or is out of paper.
* Read Error
A disk error occurred while attempting to read a file from the
selected disk drive.
* Write Error
An error occurred while attempting to write to a disk drive. This
error may occur if the diskette is write protected.
12.3 Installation Utility
The Installation Utility allows you to customize the following features
of PC-DeskMates:
- Insert your registration number into the program.
- Alter the starting key.
- Create a printer configuration file so that the Printer Control
Utility may use non-IBM compatible dot matrix printers.
PLEASE NOTE: This program will write information into the PC-DeskMates
program stored on the diskette. Therefore, you should only execute
this program on a copy of the distribution diskette.
To start the program you will need to perform the following operation:
1. Insert a copy of PC-DeskMates' distribution diskette
into drive A.
2. Execute the following commands:
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The program will display the following menu:
F1 Exit
F2 Reg. No. 0000000
F3 Start Key Alt-M
F4 Printer Config.
Pressing the "F1" key allows you to exit the program
After either inserting your registration number or changing the start
key, it will be necessary to copy the modified program to any diskettes
that you use to load PC-DeskMates from. This can be accomplished by
performing the following:
1. Insert the modified PC-DeskMates distribution
diskette into drive A.
2. Insert your bootable system diskette into drive B.
3. Execute the following command:
12.3.1 Inserting Your Registration No.
Pressing the "F2" key allows you to insert your registration number
into the PC-DeskMates program. The program will prompt you to enter
the new registration number. You may use any of the line editing
functions to enter the number. Press the "Return" key to complete your
12.3.2 Setting Start Key
PC-DeskMates uses the "Alt-M" key to start itself once it is stored in
memory. However, you may find that this key is utilized by other
application programs that you use. Therefore, you may select a
different "Alt" key combination by pressing the "F3" key. The program
will prompt you to press the new "Alt" key combination that you want to
use. You may use the keys "A thru P", "S thru Z", "1 thru 9", "-", and
12.3.3 Printer Configuration
If you are not using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer you may want
to create a printer configuration file to define the special printing
capabilities of your printer.
The ability to customize the Printer Control utility when selecting
special printing capabilities of dot matrix printers assumes that you
are familiar with the selection of these features on your printer. You
- 56 -
should read your printer's manual and attempt to select the desired
features of your printer by first using a Basic program before
attempting to create a printer configuration file.
Pressing the "F4" key on the Installation Utility will display the
following Printer Configuration Menu:
F1 Exit
F2 Recall Config.
F3 Save Config.
On Code Off Code
F6 Double Width 27,87,49 27,87,48
F7 Compressed 15 18
F8 Emphasized 27,69 27,70
F9 Enhanced 27,71 27,72
F1 Menu Allows you to exit to the main menu.
F2 Recall Allows you to recall a previously defined
configuration file from disk.
F3 Save Allows you to save the current configuration to a
disk file.
The recall and save options will prompt you to enter a filename.
Keys "F6" through "F0" are used to define the special printing features
of your dot matrix printer. When the program is first started the IBM
compatible configuration will be displayed on the monitor.
Pressing keys "F6" through "F0" will prompt you for the following
1. Name of the print feature
2. On selection codes
3. Off selection codes
You may define up to five selections for your printer corresponding to
the function keys "F6" through "F0".
The On/Off codes are entered using the decimal equivalent of the
corresponding characters separated by commas.
For example, the following printer features and On/Off codes for an IBM
compatible dot matrix printer correspond to the default values
displayed on the above menu:
Print Feature On Code Off Code
Double Width Esc W1 Esc W0
Compressed SI DC2
Emphasized Esc E Esc F
Enhanced Esc G Esc H
- 57 -
Each time you start PC-DeskMates or select the Recall Printer feature
of the Printer Control Utility the program will attempt to read the
file "PRINTER.CFG" from the default disk drive and directory. If it is
unable to find this file, the IBM compatible default values will be
used. Therefore, after you have created a printer configuration file
you will need to copy the file to the diskette that you start
PC-DeskMates from with the name "PRINTER.CFG".
We have included a few configuration files on the distribution diskette
that you may either want to use or refer to as examples.
EPSON.CFG IBM compatible printer
OKIDATA.CFG Okidata u92 or u93
PLUGPLAY.CFG Okidata u92/93 with Plug'N Play
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12.4 Program License Agreement
A limited license is granted to any user of the program to freely
copy and distribute the product on the following conditions:
You may:
- Use the program on any microcomputer on which this package was
designed to operate.
- Copy the program into any machine readable form for backup
- Freely copy and share unmodified copies of the product with your
- 59 -
- Sell the product for a fee and/or distribute the product along
with other products without express written permission.
- Grant sublicense, leases, or other rights in the software to
- Make verbal or media translations of the user's manual.
- Modify or remove the Copyright notice from the program, diskette
or its manual.
- Modify the program, diskette or manual and/or merge it into
another program for any machine.
The license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any
time by destroying the diskette(s) contained in this package. The
license and the rights thereof terminate if you fail to comply with any
term or condition of this agreement. You agree further, upon
termination, to destroy the program together with any modifications
and/or merged portions in any form.
12.5 Limited Warranty
Alternative Decision Software, Inc. warrants the diskette(s) on which
the program is furnished to be free from defects in the material and
workmanship under normal use for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of delivery to you as evidenced by a copy of your receipt. The
defective diskette must be returned to Alternative Decision Software,
Inc. for this warranty to be effected.
Alternative Decision Software, Inc.'s liability and your exclusive
remedy shall be:
- The replacement of the diskette(s) if you have met the conditions
as described under "LIMITED WARRANTY" OR
- 60 -
- A full refund if Alternative Decision Software, Inc. is unable to
deliver a diskette free from defects in materials or workmanship.
You may not sublicense, assign or transfer the license or the limited
warranties of the program except as expressly provided in this
agreement. Any attempt otherwise to sublicense, assign or transfer any
of the rights, duties or obligations hereunder is void. This agreement
will be governed by the laws of the State of New York.
Should you have any questions concerning this agreement, you may
contact Alternative Decision Software, Inc. by writing to:
Alternative Decision Software, Inc.
Customer Service
P.O. Box 307
Lancaster, NY 14086
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